Many Nova Scotia ECE Support Sites maintain circulating libraries of professional books, picture books, toys, and other play-based learning materials that can be borrowed by eligible members. To learn more about membership and what is available in your area follow the link below to your local site.
Professional Books
When you visit an ECE Support Site you will find professional books that support learning and problem solving related to working with young children in early years settings. Topics include inclusion and working with children with special needs or exceptionalities, organizing daily routines, infant and toddler care, designing learning and care environments, leadership and management, outdoor learning, diversity, and much, much more. If you have a question about childhood, your ECE Support Site will have a book that can help you find an answer.
Picture Books
ECE Support Sites have amazing bookshelves full of high-quality and engaging picture books to share with young children. Collections include many award winners and are selected to represent the diversity of families and communities in Nova Scotia.
Toys and Play-Based Learning Materials
Support Site toy shelves are full of materials that have been selected to engage children and support their play and learning. Some of these toys are like what you might find at a toy store but many of them have been put together in play kits around special topics of interest that include books and other related objects. You will also find collections of loose parts that support open-ended play, discovery, and invention.
The photo gallery displays some of the kinds of items that can be borrowed from the support sites by eligible members. Check back regularly as the support sites will be featuring new toys, books, and materials that are added to collections.
Jane Norman College Russell Resource Library
To access the Russell Resource Library, please visit:
Username: Russell Resource
No password is required
MSVU - Curriculum Resource Centre (CRC)
Our Curriculum Resource Centre (CRC) is located in Seton Academic Centre and serves primarily Education and Child and Youth Study students at the Mount. In addition to a wide selection of books (including many indigenous titles, picture books and young adult novels), journals, DVDs and resource kits, students are also able to borrow a variety of audio-visual equipment including iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, MP3 recorders and digital cameras/video cameras. A selection of paper, markers, foamies, paint, clay, folders, and glue guns are available for use. Access to laser printers, a photocopier, a laminator, binder and a die cut machine are available for a small fee to cover materials.
MSVU - Curriculum Resource Centre (CRC)
Links to the various centres resource libraries
NSCECE | Early Years Community Development Centre is located in central Halifax.
Early Childhood Development Support Centre (NSCC Cumberland Campus)
Early Childhood Development Support Centre (NSCC Kingstec Campus)
Early Childhood Development Support Centre (NSCC Burridge Campus)
Learning Materials Photo Gallery
Participating ECE support sites have different collections of books and materials available for borrowing by eligible members. The photo gallery displays some of the kinds of items that can be borrowed from the support sites by eligible members. Check back regularly as the support sites will be featuring new toys, books, and materials as they are added to collections.