PROGRAM LEADERS - 2 Day Sessions
Two educators from each centre are invited to sign up for the 2-day session. These modules are designed for directors and pedagogical leaders who will bring information back and lead implementation of the Framework in the centre.
Exploring our Early Years Practices and Connecting them to Capable, Confident and Curious: Nova Scotia’s Early Learning Curriculum Framework.
Early years practices vary widely across our province, and yet we all have something in common: A desire to provide the best programme possible for all our children. What does the Framework say about putting our good intentions into practice? What does this look like in our everyday work?
In this module, educators will examine six aspects of the Framework: Responsiveness to Children, Intentional Teaching, Relationships with people, materials and the world, Connecting our Image of the Child to what we do, Play as a way of Learning, and the Role of Families, Community and Culture. These aspects can be tied in concrete ways to our everyday work with children, and we will use activities and dialogue – including the Reflective Planning Cycle - to assist with making these topics come to life.
Leaders will also engage with these topics, but in addition will have the opportunity to consider how to support such practices in the workplace, how to bring families into decision-making processes, the development of communities of practice as a support system, and the role of pedagogical leadership as our classroom practices begin to shift and adjust.
The Learning Environment and how it Supports Children’s Thinking, Ideas, and Engagement
This module will examine not only the physical environment (i.e. materials, furniture and space) but also the ‘non-visible’ aspects of the spaces where we work with children. How does an environment help to build relationships? Include all children and their interests and diversities? Encourage innovative thinking, for both children and adults? How does it make our philosophies visible?
Educators will consider all these questions with the goal of adjusting both indoor and outdoor environments in response to children, providing invitations that scaffold their thinking and learning, considering the role of beauty in our environments, and developing inquiries with children where the environment plays the important role of ‘third teacher,’ along with their families and their communities.
Leaders will consider the same topics, while also considering ‘whole centre’ aspects of the environment, how to include families and community, and how to develop an environment that supports a culture of reflection and innovation for their staff.
Locations and Dates
Two educators from each centre are invited to sign up for the 2-day session. These modules are designed for directors and pedagogical leaders who will bring information back and lead implementation of the Framework in the centre.
Upcoming Dates:
Online Session (Hosted by Early Childhood Development Support Centre - NSCC Cumberland Campus) - Module 4 - November 8th & 9th, 2021
Online Session (Hosted by Early Childhood Development Support Centre - NSCC Marconi Campus) - Module 4 - November 15th & 16th, 2021
Online Session (Hosted by Early Childhood Development Support Centre - NSCC Kingstec Campus) - Module 3 - December 14th & 16th, 2021
PROGRAM STAFF - 1 Day Sessions
Educators whose director or pedagogical leader has participated in the 2-day training are invited to sign up for the 1-day training sessions.
Exploring our Early Years Practices and Connecting them to Capable, Confident and Curious: Nova Scotia’s Early Learning Curriculum Framework.
Early years practices vary widely across our province, and yet we all have something in common: A desire to provide the best programme possible for all our children. What does the Framework say about putting our good intentions into practice? What does this look like in our everyday work?
In this module, educators will examine six aspects of the Framework: Responsiveness to Children, Intentional Teaching, Relationships with people, materials and the world, Connecting our Image of the Child to what we do, Play as a way of Learning, and the Role of Families, Community and Culture. These aspects can be tied in concrete ways to our everyday work with children, and we will use activities and dialogue – including the Reflective Planning Cycle - to assist with making these topics come to life.
Leaders will also engage with these topics, but in addition will have the opportunity to consider how to support such practices in the workplace, how to bring families into decision-making processes, the development of communities of practice as a support system, and the role of pedagogical leadership as our classroom practices begin to shift and adjust.
The Learning Environment and how it Supports Children’s Thinking, Ideas, and Engagement
This module will examine not only the physical environment (i.e. materials, furniture and space) but also the ‘non-visible’ aspects of the spaces where we work with children. How does an environment help to build relationships? Include all children and their interests and diversities? Encourage innovative thinking, for both children and adults? How does it make our philosophies visible?
Educators will consider all these questions with the goal of adjusting both indoor and outdoor environments in response to children, providing invitations that scaffold their thinking and learning, considering the role of beauty in our environments, and developing inquiries with children where the environment plays the important role of ‘third teacher,’ along with their families and their communities.
Leaders will consider the same topics, while also considering ‘whole centre’ aspects of the environment, how to include families and community, and how to develop an environment that supports a culture of reflection and innovation for their staff.
Locations and Dates
Educators whose director or pedagogical leader has participated in the 2-day training are invited to sign up for the 1-day training sessions.
Upcoming Dates:
Additional dates coming in the future.