Le Comité pour le développement professionnel en petite enfance est composé de représentants d'institutions de formation et de centres d’appui financés par la province. Les membres du comité partagent leurs idées, leurs besoins et leurs plans en développement professionnel afin de coordonner, de communiquer et d'offrir un développement professionnel de qualité à toutes les éducatrices de la petite enfance et autres professionnels de la petite enfance en Nouvelle-Écosse.
Le comité pour le développement professionnel en petite enfance
EYCDC (Halifax)
Carrie Melsom
Carrie Melsom is the Program Services Coordinator in the Early Years Community Development Centre (NSCECE). She has been supporting Early Childhood...
NSCC (Cumberland)
Katrina Fraser
Katrina Fraser is the Coordinator of the Early Childhood Development Support Centre located at NSCC Cumberland. Katrina started working...
Jane Norman College (Truro)
Jane Mackenzie
Jane Mackenzie is the Early Years Support Site Coordinator at Jane Norman College. She has been an enthusiastic early childhood educator for...
CPRPS (Pointe-de-l'Église)
Jacinthe Adams
Jacinthe Adams is the Professional Development Coordinator at Centre provincial de ressources préscolaires. She began her career as an early...
NSCC (Marconi)
Karen Jacobs
Karen Jacobs is the Coordinator of the Early Childhood Development Support Centre located and NSCC Marconi campus. Karen grew up in Louisbourg...
NSCC (Kingstec)
Sara Graves
Sara Graves is the Coordinator of the Early Childhood Development Support Centre located at NSCC Kingstec Campus. Sara was an Early Childhood...
NSCC (Burridge)
Melissa Vail
Melissa Vail is the coordinator of the Early Childhood Development Support Centre at NSCC Burridge Campus. Melissa has spent 20...
MSVU (Halifax)
Rhonda Rees
Rhonda Rees is the Professional Development Coordinator, Department of Child and Youth Study, Mount Saint Vincent University. She first became...