Les Centres d’appui à la petite enfance sont situés dans 8 régions de la province pour assurer le leadership au niveau communautaire afin d’assurer l’établissement de partenariats et le partage d’information et de ressources pour les éducatrices et autres professionnels de la petite enfance.
Grâce au soutien financier du ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance, les centres d’appui offrent une gamme de services adaptés aux besoins de chaque région et coordonnés à l’échelle provinciale en collaboration avec le Comité provincial de développement professionnel de la petite enfance. Les services comprennent l’évaluation des besoins ainsi que le développement et la livraison des sessions de formations; le soutien à la mise en œuvre du Cadre pédagogique pour l’apprentissage des jeunes enfants en Nouvelle-Écosse, capable, confiant et curieux; et les services de centres d’un centre de ressources ainsi que du leadership communautaire.
Les centres d’appui sont situés dans des lieux disponibles toute l’année à la communauté desservie avec un accès le soir et la fin de semaine, selon le besoin.
Sites are located in areas and buildings that provide convenient year-round access to the in-service community. The space and equipment are maintained for the use of the community. The hours of operation take into account the needs of the community providing some evening and weekend access, as needed.
Le centre d’appui est un lieu central d’information et de ressources pour la communauté de la petite enfance. Les ressources variées incluent les meilleures pratiques en matière de développement de la petite enfance, ainsi que des trousses éducatives et du matériel qui appuient les pratiques liées au cadre pédagogique et aux programmes de qualité. Les ressources sont bien entretenues et gardées à jour selon les besoins du secteur.
Professional Development:
Professional Development involves:
- enhancing what we know
- improving in our ways to use what we know
- finding ways to be involved with others to share our knowledge and experience
Participating in workshops and conferences is a great way to gain new knowledge or refresh previous learning and is an opportunity to network with others and share ideas. Making the time to attend helps you to gain the skills and knowledge to do your job to the best of your ability.
Professional Development at the ECDSCs
We are committed to supporting life long learning through professional development opportunities including:
- Workshops (view a list of our past workshops) updated September 2014
- Conferences
- Events
- Networking
- Mentoring
- Partnering with other early learning and care organizations.
- NSCC Early Childhood Education Diploma full-time and part-time programs information.
- Portfolio Development and Recognizing Prior Learning support and consultation.
- Full time Coordinator offering an inclusive range of curriculum and program support and guidance.
Putting Knowledge into Practice
The Early Years Community Development Centre is a place where young children and the people who work with them are celebrated and supported. Resources have been carefully selected to support professional learning and skill development. Curriculum materials, toys, and books with a focus on inclusion and diversity, are available for loan. There are over 3500 circulating resources and 2000+ borrowing visits each year.
EYCDC staff aim to provide a space where play, curiosity, reflection, and intentionality come together to enrich quality. The EYCDC supports the early years community by increasing collaboration among early childhood educators and other early years professionals. Together we put our shared knowledge into practice to support good outcomes for young children and their families.
EYCDC staff are passionate and committed to supporting our community. We are skilled and knowledgeable early childhood specialists who are eager to engage in conversations about this complex work, share ideas, and help connect the early years community to the information and resources they are looking for.
We offer much more than toys and books. We offer professional development workshops on a wide variety of topics, as well as communities of practice facilitated by EYCDC staff and members of the early years community. We are happy to offer meeting and workspace to individuals and programs who are interested in collaborating while they have all our EYCDC resources at their fingertips.
The EYCDC looks forward to an expanded mandate and to supporting learning and professional development related to Capable, Confident & Curious: An Early Learning Curriculum Framework and the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children.
Carrie Melsom,
Program Services Coordinator, Early Years Community Development Centre - NSCECE
T: 902.423.7224 Ext. 227
Jacinthe Adams,
Coordonatrice en developpement professionnel, Centre provincial de ressources préscolaires - CPRPS
T: 902-648-2559
The Early Years Support Site at Jane Norman College supports members of the early years community. We provide professional development opportunities, resources through our lending library, and access to our Remida Room. Our Remida Room focuses on resources that can be used as loose parts.
The Early Childhood Development Support Centre supports the needs of the early years community in the Annapolis Valley by offering professional development training in Hants, Kings and Annapolis counties. The ECDSC offers resources and opportunities for networking and collaboration among early childhood educators and administrators.
Courtney Daniels,
Coordinator, Early Childhood Development Support Centre Coordinator - NSCC Kingstec
T: 902.690.2531
The Early Childhood Development Support Centre, Burridge Campus services the Early Learning and Child Care Community in the Southwestern region from Lunenburg County around to Digby County. The centre has been in operation since March 2003 and we are located on the main floor next to the day care in room A116 at the NSCC Burridge Campus. We provide resources, training opportunities and community events that promote the awareness of current trends and issues related to quality child care for the Early Childhood Education sector, students, parents and the community. Workshops are held throughout the region in various communities including: Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne,Bridgewater and Lunenburg.
Melissa Vail,
Coordinator, Early Childhood Development Support Centre Coordinator - NSCC Burridge
T: 902.742.7432
The Early Childhood Development Support Centre offers support to the early years community of Cape Breton Island. We are pleased to work collaborate monthly via our learning community, provide ongoing professional development and current, relevant resources in our lending library.
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